About Me

Hello and Welcome! I'm Carly.

Gluten Free With Me is my way of sharing delicious recipes, travel planning, lifestyle and all things geek with you. 

I live with my husband and our two furry monsters, our cat Wesley and our dog Willow. 

I have a particular love of Japanese food and culture, which includes a healthy obsession with anime. So I will definitely be sharing a lot of japanese inspired recipes, travel stories and guides. There will also be plenty of anime inspired posts coming to our Geek With Me section in the future.

Why Gluten Free?

Ever since my husband was diagnosed with Celiac disease years ago, I have made it my mission to take advantage of my love of food to develop all of the recipes that I knew he would otherwise be missing. It has made for tons of fun experimentation and excitement when we are able to recreate old restaurant favourites as well as dishes from our travels. 

I didn’t want his need for a strict gluten free diet to prevent us from enjoying anything we want, so the recipes on the site will all be gluten free without losing out on any of the deliciousness. I like to think of it as being able to provide you with great recipes that “just so happen to be gluten free”. We have definitely experienced the stereotypical “it tastes gluten free” foods too many times that I always strive to make sure you can’t tell.

The Adventures of Wesley & Willow
(through time and space)

Wesley was the first furry addition to our family. He is a rescue cat who absolutely loves to snuggle, play with pipe cleaners, and take baths in the sun. Willow is a rescue dog from Mexico and she is such a sweet little girl. She is the quiet one in the house since her brother likes to yell, especially when he is hungry! Willow is a happy girl who loves to play, snooze, and keep our floors sparkly clean. 


 Wesley, the little dork, always wants to play with his sister, but he’s not always careful with his claws. Lately, they have been getting sweet on each other. Willow kisses his face when she gets back from a walk, and Wesley snuggles her in bed and gives her baths. The two of them definitely keep us entertained, and we are so lucky to have them.

Fun Facts About Us!

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